Samstag, 14. Mai 2016

no more shoes on Science Slams

 why we should get rid of overused gender issues

I love the moment, when they say my name: Alex. And nobody knows what to expect. Someone talking about space, that’s what they’ve heard. So it must be a guy. Space is male.
I love the moment when I jump on stage and see the first row raising their eyebrows. Space is female? And fun as well? Yes! 

Here we go: a person (biological woman), who doesn’t care about being male or female, talking about space (absolutely male) and dance-therapy ( pretty female) at the same time. Getting confused? It’s okay, you’re not alone! 

one world: two concepts, one thousand mistakes 

In our world we distinguish between two kinds of people: man and woman. Considering todays thrive towards individualism and freedom, I think this is not appropriate anymore. We might (most of us) differ in being biological male or female, but that concludes anything about or psychological aspect: our gender. Our way of being, dreaming and living. The way our identity is built as a result of possibilities, changes and ideas has nothing to do with two barred concepts. 

Look at my “female” side: I love cooking, colorful clothes, I consider myself empathic and emotional, loving dance and listening.
And look at my “male” side: I love adventures, sports, fighting, beer and burgers, shouting, joking and big spaceships. 

Sum up these aspects and you receive a holistic picture of me which is exemplary for many human beings sitting in metros, writing research proposals, eating and sleeping. Why would you not offer every human being the time and openness and follow him/her/it towards highly individual and creative personalities?

Why are we so afraid to leave our attributions behind and look at what someone is offering you? Our world sometimes seems to be blinded by prejudges and written mindsets.

join me…

for the first time I’ve participated at a Science Slam. As one of the three winners, I got rewarded with a prize. Leaving the stage, the first comment I received was: Oh, will you use your prize money and buy new shoes?” … “What?” My presentation had nothing to do with shoes, neither with females, males, make-up, skirts, nails, calories or anything related to the box from which we take our conclusions on women. I forgot what I had worn this day, because I simply didn’t care – hum wait, I think I had a T-Shirt with “Spacedance” – the topic of my presentation on it. Completely gender-neutral. 

A female co-slammer summed it up like this: “As a women on stage you should neither be too nerdy and nor too sexy. What remains is being nice and friendly. Shy and not exaggerated.”
Our society is packed with stories like these: girls who love physics and get pulled back by conservative teachers stating that physics only matters once the hair maker falls down (Newton). Parents who educate their daughters to do gymnastics but not martial arts. Future bosses who ask about pregnancy during job interviews (-> my uterus doesn’t contribute to my results in research or my successes in therapy, sorry!) 

Important to mention: it also works the other way around: men who are told not to cry (why on earth do they have the physical ability for crying then?). We stamp men who as “soft” if they love poems or care about body lotion and clothes. And we observe who are forced to be heroes in bed (usually it’s two people attending the situation, so best is when both move…).  

who is responsible?

One might wonder who is responsible for this situation of dividing the complexity of humanity into two boxes. I would say, every one of us is – which also provides the possibility to change it.
Situation on a train: I am squeezed in my place, working on my laptop, as suddenly a group of ten women joins the compartment. During five minutes the train is floated by loud giggling and flat jokes. Summary of mentioned topics: how to distract men, how to do nails, which celebrity got laid. When the (young) conductor arrives for ticket control, the bunch of 50 year old women transforms into a mass of exploding hormones, covering the compartment with high pitched voices and stupid flirt attacks. This is the “group” people relate me to? I have nothing to do with this! Two hours later I feel stressed and aggressive. These women are one part of the reason why people on Science Slam associate me with shoes.  

What I want to show using this story is: Discrimination against women is not a male thing. It’s something women do as well when behaving in a way which only crosses the points on the woman list, but has nothing to do with someone’s individual perspective. Don’t put yourself in the box society has prepared to you. Just say no! To my point of view this is the most simple and less violent revolution we can start. 

I have my methods to react on offenses like these. My “shoefriend” received a “Shoes? Why shoes?”-poker face, even though I was burning inside. That was the moment in which he realized that middle age concepts are not appropriate anymore.  
feminist, emancipist or just without concept.

Are you a feminist? That’s what people would say? No I am not. I am a humanist. I don’t care about my gender, when being on stage, when being at work, when studying, when thinking, when doing anything. But I do care about science, thoughts, the world we live in and what I could contribute to it.

For me this world resembles a huge cupboard full of choices: jobs, clothes, goals, ideals – and I can pick. Maybe it’s due to my defective sight that I didn’t notice the stamps “male” or “female” glued on the colored shelf of possibilities. And I don’t want to put on glasses to change this view. 

I believe we achieve tolerance, once we won’t think about “male” or “female” anymore. Once these aspects simply don’t care anymore. Once I can perform on stage as Alex. Simply Alex.